Sunday, May 29, 2011

ArtsFest 2011

Yesterday we went to ArtsFest 2011 to help out at The HodgePodgery's booth. The HodgePodgery is a local indie artisan shop in the "ART" of Midtown, Harrisburg. They sell all sorts of handmade wares made from local artisans that live within a 100 mile radius of the shop.

We signed up for the evening shift. We had a good time but all that walking really did us in. Especially since my business partner/mother's broken toe is still healing. There is a lot of pottery, jewelry, art work and other nice wares to choose from. We really liked the different garden fountains especially the ones made out of old silver.

I took some pictures of The HoPo's stand to show you some of the many great wares. You can find their stand located in the free section, next to the Walnut St. bridge. Don't forget to check out the stand if you are attending ArtsFest. You can visit today from 10 am to 7pm and tomorrow from 10 am to 5 pm.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

More Fabric Coiled Bowls

We decided to try and make some more fabric coiled bowls and see how they sell. They are made with clothes line and strip of fabric leftover from other sewing projects. One of these bowls is made with some fabric that was misprinted. The green bowl was made with some strips of a plaid material that we have a lot of and don't particularly care for. I think they turned out pretty cute!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Henry and Clementine!

One of the litters of cats that use to be outside recently turned a year old. Some friends took in a couple of the kittens and named them Henry and Clementine. So, I decided to make them a special birthday present. The toy I chose to make is a version of a cat toy(s) on a stick but instead of the regular cotton fabric cat toys I decided to use small fleece fishies. The fishies were a little tricky to sew since they are so small. But since it turned out so cute it was definitely worth it. :) We took them their present last night and they seem to really like it. I hadn't gotten the chance to visit them before and it was really great to see how much bigger they are!

Cat Toy on A Stick Creamsicle with his cousins' new toy

Henry (above) and Clementine(below)