It has been a while since I posted a blog post of Etsy Finds, so I figured it was about time. I love seeing all the beautiful flowers and plants that start growing during the spring and summer months. And also eating the tasty vegetables from our garden along with the fresh herbs. Here's just a few garden inspired items that I found on

Gift for Best Friend, Maid of Honor, Sweetheart - Peas and Carrots - Antique Silverware Spoon Garden Marker by vicandalbie

Garden BIRD BATH, stained glass copper Cerulean Blue by gloriasglassgarden

Five Inch Stoneware Cerulean Blue Flower Pot with Saucer by virginiawyoming

Garden Pottery - Rustic Watering Can with Patterns by Mullox

Early Bird Inn Birdhouse by mulberrylanefolkart

Sweet Modern Teapot Moss Terrarium by TinyTerrains

Bottle Tree Chandelier by junkdaddy