I am glad that my blog is getting a few more views and even has a comment now. :) It is nice to feel like at least some people are reading it. I was starting to get a bit discouraged with it I must admit. I thought I might have to start paying people to read it or bribe them with cookies. ;)
I hope that all of you mothers out there had a wonderful Mother's Day. I have been in a bit of a crafting slump lately. After I finished sanding my wooden coasters my motivation started to waiver a bit. I had been reading some blogs in April about stash busting and decided to try and do something with some Snapple caps. I have had these Snapple caps for a long time and could never seem to come up with anything. Well, I still haven't yet-After I tried several different things I was no further ahead on this project. All I managed to decide was that I really want to create some sort of necklaces with them so I punched holes in all of them. Which I think are to small any way but at least that part is easily fixed. If anyone has ideas on what I can do with them I am all ears.
Besides the general crafters block I have been experiencing a bit of beaders block for a while now. I can't seem to come up with any new jewelry designs. Since it has been a while since I tried though I will probably try again soon. I am crossing my fingers that my mental beaders block has passed.
I think I am about ready to break through my craft slump. I need to get some stuff ready for the HoPo's stand at ArtsFest so I think I will start there. :) When I was visiting the shop Dawn gave me the idea to make some cat toys with elastic hair bands so they fit over door knobs. I think this is a great idea that I will probably start working on today. Plus I am going to finish up the wooden coasters and ask if they want to take these to ArtsFest.
Wow that was a long post. Have a great day everyone! :)